Hey there! Whoo – I made it online! I’m so excited to enter the world of cyberspace, where millions of folks can read and enjoy my life tribulations and craziness!

Here is my column for September. And remember, I am always happy to consider some guest columnists from my furry friends out there! Please submit them on the Contact Us page here on our website.

Hard to believe it’s September already! I Hope your summer was fabulous! I also hope you saw my online challenge at JacksonvilleReview.com and that you could give something to the Southern Oregon Humane Society. It costs a LOT of money to take good care of our furry friends. Some people cannot afford to care for their pets (especially in these tough times) and other animals are just unwanted. These kind folks at the Humane Society rely SOLELY on donations from kind folks like you – and me!

And – for your reading pleasure – a little ditty from yours truly:

Summer is swell, and my garden is fun,
I love to play and chase in the sun.

Yellowjackets are not nice, it would seem,
When I stuck my nose, where it shouldn’t have been.

My muzzle swelled to double its size,
And it just seemed to continue to rise.

It was so very itchy, I just had to scratch,
And soon my nose was an ugly bare patch.

My folks gave me Benadryl galore,
But still I needed to scratch some more.

Then a scab formed, so my muzzle was black,
And finally now, my hair’s growing back.

Summer is fun, but hazardous too,
Please learn from me, what NOT to do!

Enjoy September in this wonderful Small Town – With Big Atmosphere!