Pioneer Village Collects and Delivers Food!

The Food Project Pick-up Day on Saturday, August 13 was ANOTHER huge success! Seven tons of food was collected and distributed to seventeen Food Banks!


Shown here is a wonderful group from Pioneer Village, who gathered a lot of food for this wonderful cause. They also got a group together to go and deliver the food to the High School! THANKS so much for all of the wonderful Jacksonville donors and volunteers.

Regional Coordinator, Faye Haynes and Founder, John Javna are in the green shirts.

The Food Project is a great – and EASY – way to do something REALLY Needed. Ever two months, a Neighborhood Coordinator picks up food (which is left on the porch in a bright green Food Project Bag)  and delivers it to the Medford High School. A new bag is left with the next pick-up date (every two months). This is a terrific, cooperative effort between numerous food banks, and is helping tremendously right now.

More information about the Food Project and how you can get involved is available on the website:

The Food Project was also recognized by the Oregon State Legislature!

Click here for a PDF of the Resolution!