The firestorm that hit the Rogue Valley in 2020 upending so many lives is being emulated on a larger scale in Los Angeles. It should escape the attention of none of us that such events are exacerbated by the climate change that global warming is inducing. The trends are clear. The projections do not guarantee what our future is likely to hold, but they offer a cautionary tale that we ignore at our peril. As part of the OSU Living on the Land Steward Program’s Sustainable Living series, Dr. Alan Journet, cofacilitator of Southern Oregon Climate Action Now will offer a presentation on Wednesday January 22nd that identifies the regional climate trends and projections, and explores what the significance is likely to be for our natural resources (ecosystems, agriculture, and forestry).

The program runs from 6:00 – 8:00 and will be a live / ZOOM Hybrid. The live portion will be held at the OSU Extension Office 569 Hanley Road in Central Point. The registration fee of $15 is payable via: