On Real Estate & More – October 2024

TREES IN JACKSONVILLE are protected after reaching a certain size; these trees are considered “Resource” trees, defined as any tree with a circumference equal to or greater than 12 inches diameter at breast height. There are also protection standards for multi-stem trees and the topping of any live resource tree. Due to increased concerns about fire risk, in 2023, the City of Jacksonville amended their requirements for tree removal based on the Citizen Advisory Committee’s recommendations based on defensible space requirements from Senate Bill 762 and recommendations from the State Fire Marshal’s Office.

  1. A live resource tree may be removed in certain zoning districts if the tree is one or more of the following:
  2. In danger of collapse presenting a health and safety hazard;
  3. Necessary to protect an historic, primary residential or commercial structure;
  4. A fire hazard determined by the Fire Chief;
  5. Diseased or blighted endangering its survival; or
  6. Located in a proposed building envelope, proposed street, driveway, or parking area with no alternative development design eliminating the need for the tree(s) removal.

In the Historic Core, General Commercial, and Artisan Zone Districts, as well as those properties subject to riparian and/or wetlands designation, unless exempt, a Tree Removal Permit with Public Noticing is required to be approved prior to removal of a resource tree.

Removal of resource trees can be permitted without a fee by the Planning Director if:

  1. The tree’s condition presents an immediate danger of collapse and a clear and present hazard to persons or property; or
  2. The tree is a nuisance species.

Prior to tree removal within Jacksonville City limits, it is recommended to discuss applicable permit requirements with the City of Jacksonville Planning Department.