A Few Minutes with the Mayor – October 2024

AS I SIT DOWN TO WRITE MY COLUMN this month, I’m feeling very optimistic. There is a feeling of excitement in the air that I’m trying to put my finger on. I believe I’m feeling the changes in the weather. We are starting to feel the crisp fall mornings and enjoying being able to walk whenever we like, without feeling the summer heat.

This is an election year for the office of US President, and also for your choices of candidates for our elected offices in Jacksonville. There is a lot to consider during elections. People have a lot of opinions, beliefs, and worries, that accompany such pivotal points in time. I almost never discuss politics, or religion, with anyone other than my very closest friends and family. I think you know who I’m talking about. They are the ones who will still love you, even when you have strong differences of opinion on touchy subjects. It can get sticky, but I don’t want someone else’s personal opinions about these matters to color how I feel about them. They are still good people, just with different points of view than mine.

I’m not going to change their mind, and it’s not my job to police them. Also, I possibly might be wrong about some things! I try to focus on what I know is good and true about them. I see the help they give to their family and community. I see who they devote their time and energy to. I see the attention and love they show to the people, and causes, they care about. I admire and appreciate them. I’m still only human, I sometimes just want to scream and throw my hands in the air, when I hear what can come out of their mouth. Especially when I disagree with them. However, I can make a conscious, grown-up choice to be kind and to listen to their point of view. They are as worried and concerned about the future as I am. They can also be optimistic. I just have to remember all that, and that I love them.

This year we have an interesting local city election cycle. We have four candidates vying for the office of City Councilor, with three seats available. I’m campaigning again for the office of Mayor, and I am unopposed on the ballot. My reasons for running to be re-elected are stated in the Candidate’s Statements you will find in this issue of the Review, along with the Candidate Statements for those running for City Council. My deepest appreciation goes to Whitman Parker, the Editor of the Jacksonville Review, for the opportunity for us all to express our perspectives and qualifications. The Voter’s Pamphlet is another source to help in your decision-making. Please exercise your right to vote for your candidates of choice. Also, please try to show kindness and courtesy to folks you encounter with different points of view. Hopefully, your friends and family will still be your beloved friends and family, after the election.

In the meantime, we can all enjoy those spicy pumpkin beverages and muffins, so popular this time of the year. My sugar pumpkins in the garden are becoming riper and more orange every day, and I can’t wait to make pies with them. Happy Fall Everyone!