Joyfull Living – May 2016

May greets us with many planets in retrograde (Jupiter until 5/9; Mercury until 5/22; Mars until 6/29). This continues to be a time to not be in a rush to “get things done.” Alleviate frustration by practicing mindfulness, patience and making time to breathe consciously. This can also help with the energetic opportunity upon us right now to go beyond “wishful wanting” and dig deeper into the inner garden of our heart to feel what we truly desire to have in our life and get serious about manifesting it.

If you want to catch a 9:00am train to get somewhere important, you need to get up early enough to get there on time to catch it. Buying a ticket will not get you to the train station on time. Often in life we have opportunities to achieve something we say we want and good intentions to create it, but resistance causes us to “miss” the timing. We can justify it by saying, “Oh well I guess I wasn’t meant to be on that train!” Have you ever set your sights on making a positive change in your life with great enthusiasm only to find yourself a few weeks or months later having forgotten about it? To create real change and transformation in your life you must follow through on your intentions with actions that support them every day. Here are 10 steps to help you sustain your supportive intentions and create your dream life.

Don’t limit yourself to what you “think” is possible. Daydream in color. Sometimes it’s easier to start with what you DON’T want, then get clear and give yourself permission to ask for what you truly desire.

Identify 1 to 3 things you feel passionate and excited about. Passion and excitement will give you momentum to get started.

Be clear and mindful of what and how you ask. Writing your intention(s) on paper is more powerful than daydreaming about what you “should“ have. Don’t get stuck in the details of the specific. End your affirmation with this magical phrase: “…. this or something better, in alignment with my Higher good and the Higher good of ALL.”

Start your day by identifying the actions you can take towards the results you want.

Let go of the expectation of not getting what you ask for.

Don’t get stuck in the “how?” Allow yourself to receive.

It is important to heal old stories and habits that pull us out of our good intentions. Practice showing up for the opportunities as they come up. Resistance will ease over time.

Decide to be committed and willing to take the journey towards what you desire.

Practice saying YES to new things. Safe and comfortable can be traps that keep you stuck.

Allow change to become your ally rather than fearing loss. View a detour as part of the adventure rather than a blockage.

Judging yourself and others, feeling like you never get what you want, or envying what others have—material, physical, emotional or spiritual—can keep you stuck in the old stories that are not supporting you to live your best life ever.

If you are ready to create different results, this is a great time to stop not getting to the train on time. Every time you show up for yourself, you are inviting opportunities to open up for you to have the quality of life you truly desire, inside and out.

It’s a time to realize your soul’s desires and to “seed” your intention to add more beauty, love and prosperity in all areas of your life. What does that mean to YOU? It’s time for you to go beyond your most basic needs, like money to pay the bills and good health, or ideal body weight or relationship.

The Universe has created the perfect energetic alignment to help you accomplish that. But your full participation is required and through awareness, powerful actions can be taken and the seeds for powerful results can be planted.

I want to support you this month: New Moon Sound Healing at JoyFull Yoga in Jacksonville, OR: Saturday, May 7th at 5:00pm-—and if you feel ready to receive and manifest you can register for my Webinar: “True Prosperity: 3 keys to Radiant Health, Wealth and Joy” go to