Joyfull Living – August 2014

The power of intention is a phenomenon that has been scientifically measured in many studies, like the one Dr. Masaru Emoto did with water:

This particular study took water samples infused with spoken and written intentions like peace, love, truth etc. The frozen water revealed beautiful, symmetrical crystal formations. When darker emotions, like anger and hate, were directed to the water, the formations were unbalanced, disconnected and bereft of beauty. Our body, being about 60% water, responds to the vibrations of our thoughts and intentions.

Positive intentions and affirmations become much more successful when they are not fighting negative thoughts in our sub-conscious mind. Dr. Emoto’s study with water also showed how sound vibrations affects the water crystals. That is why people have reported having such a deep and lasting affect from my sound healing sessions and gatherings. The powerful sounds from the bowls and gongs can bypass the judgments and resistance of the mind so the body can receive the harmonious vibrations they create. The gongs particularly affect the Hypothalamus gland where emotions are stored and released into the nervous system. The combination of the various yogic breathing and movement techniques along with sounds also support your nervous system to create a harmonious flow in all the body systems, to allow the body and mind to relax deeply. (Our next gathering is August 10)

We often have the best of intentions, but when we focus on what we don’t want or don’t have, it can keep us stuck in a reality that does not reflect our intentions. For example, when someone says, “I wish I had more money!” it activates old belief systems of scarcity stored in the body’s energetic system. In my online class “Healing your Self-worth & Spiritual Nature Through the Chakras,” we learn how to identify and clear the old stories and negative thoughts that are holding us back. It’s been amazing to see the positive empowering effect it has had on so many participants. We have just started a new 4-week intensive and it’s not too late if you want to join us. If you feel trapped by repeating patterns and stories that do not reflect your intentions, get help. Life is a precious gift. When we take time to connect with peace and stillness, the muddy waters created by the storms of life can clear and we can find our way to Joy!

When we take actions that support our intentions our entire body system realigns with a more supportive and empowered way to navigate. It is even more powerful when we get to this as a group. That is one of the main reasons we have created our JoyFull Living Community. It is a virtual community of conscious, like-minded individuals from all over the world, with a diverse spiritual path, united by the desire to live life more deeply and joyfully. Your JoyFull Living Community memberships offers you one free monthly online meditation class or join our paying membership for a weekly class- where you learn techniques and tools to inspire you on your spiritual journey. If you live near Jacksonville, you can come and experience a JoyFull Yoga class. This month your first class is FREE. Experience the power of a conscious community of individuals coming together with the intentions of cultivating more Peace and Joy to live our best lives NOW!!