Let’s Talk Real Estate – October 2015

They’re back! Eight years after the real estate bust, many past homeowners who lost their homes have rebuilt their credit and are back in the market—forming America’s growing ranks of “boomerang buyers.” In the next few years, these buyers will form one of the most important segments of the real estate market. About 700,000 of the 7.3 million homeowners who went through foreclosure or short sale during the bust have the potential to get a mortgage again this year.

The homeownership rate in the United States reached an all-time high at 69% in 2007 but has dropped to a rate of 64%. With the large number of boomerang buyers returning due to short wait periods, homeowner percentage will soon increase. We are now seeing 2-3 year wait periods to qualify after a foreclosure or short sale and 1 to 3 years after a bankruptcy.

If you’re on the sidelines paying increasingly-high rental prices, consider your options. When is the last time you talked to your mortgage loan broker?
