A local mother of two shows-up unexpectedly at her kids’ caregiver’s house one day. As she enters the house, her fears and suspicions are confirmed. The trusted caregiver has been sexually abusing her children.

Her discovery brings many emotions, but one thing she knows is that she was able to stop it early. She recognized the warning signs and she took action. She was able to stop it. Forever.

While this story is not common, it is also not as rare as we might hope. It is estimated that one in ten children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. In this case, these children were protected from further harm because their mother had recently taken a training offered by Protect our Children, a program of the Children’s Advocacy Center. At this training, the Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children curriculum equipped her with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively and confidently see the red flags, and to intervene. By hearing stories of adult survivors, engaging in discussion, and learning the 5 Steps to Protecting our Children, adult participants acquire the tools necessary to keep the kids in their lives safe.

Through funding from The Ford Family Foundation, this training is offered to both individuals and groups. Go to www.cacjc.org to bring this training to your church, work, civic group or school. The Jacksonville Elementary PTO will host a training on March 3rd, 2016 from 6:00-9:00pm. Please contact Marion Denard at 503-310-4120 to RSVP.