Doc Griffin Park

A great place to hang with the kids! A climbing fun center, swings AND a water park are all available, along with picnic benches and restrooms.

Doc Griffin Park is located between Fifth and Fourth Streets, just South of California Street.




Skate Park

Behind the library parking lot, below the Historic Cemetery is a fun, little skate park. Visit this website for pictures and information, and check out this cool  video of a competition held at the Jacksonville Skate Park!

Segway Rides

Kids must weigh 100 pounds minimum, and be 12 years+ of age to ride a Segway. A very fun way to see the town! Call 541.899.5269 or visit

Trolley Tours

Trolley Tours are a great way to see the town and learn some fun history and facts. The tours begin mid May at the Beekman Bank located on the corner of California and Third Street. There are five tours a day departing at 11:00am, 12:00pm, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, and 3:00pm. The fare is $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for ages 6-12, and free under 6 years of age.




Jacksonville Public Library

Jacksonville Library and the Library System have some great, ongoing activities for kids – click here!

Located at 340 West “C” Street – 541-899-1665