Impermanence and the Journey called Life

Change or Impermanence is the nature of the human condition. Every living thing around us is constantly changing. The impermanence of life, the highs and the lows, are what make our lives vibrant and meaningful. Yet we usually spend a great deal of energy trying to keep things from changing, resisting it at the cost of our health and well-being.  Resistance can only be a source of woe in our lives.  The pain of holding on to things staying the same is less of an option if you want to maintain a healthy and joy-full life. JoyFull Yoga offers wonderful tools to assist with embracing change with grace, as it helps bring us back to the present moment as we learn to make peace with “what is.”

Our body gives us a great opportunity to practice embracing change, since that is where we experience both change and resistance.  This type of stress and blocked energy tend to manifest in our body through aches and dis-ease.  The most common response when something goes wrong in our body is to get upset with that body part. We get mad at our knees, feet etc. for not performing the way “they used to.”  A daily morning practice of mind-full relaxation and gentle Yoga can assist us in establishing a new dialogue with our body that is loving and supportive of change and distress. Here is how you can start:

  1. Take a moment in the morning (and anytime you can) to practice yogic breathing: slow down the breath as you inhale deeply into the belly and exhale completely by pulling the belly in.
  2. Then breathe in for 4 slow counts …. hold it for 4…., and then exhale for the same count. Extend the count gradually over time to 8 or 10. Do this 3 times or more.
  3. Begin to rub your knees.  Our knees represent our ability to move forward in life. They are also the parts of our body that take a lot of pressure throughout the day. As you rub your knees, connect to the compassion in your heart and mentally say “thank you” to your knees. (It may sound silly but try it….).
  4.  If you have pain in your knees, bring the awareness of your breath to relax the aching area. Relax and invite “ease” ….be patient…You can do this for any part of your body – take 3 or more deep yogic breaths focusing on the area that is calling out for your attention.  The aches are your body’s way of getting your attention. Listen and keep relaxing more and more and restore ease, a few breaths at a time.

The breath is a powerful way to communicate with our nervous system and our body.

For mental resistance, to a situation or a problem try this:

  1. When you become aware of resistance, practice the steps 1 &2 above – take a pause – ask mentally: “where I feel resistance, what is that about?” Take a few more gentle breaths. Allow the answers to come in time.  Letting go of the resistance is the first step towards peaceful resolution.
  2.  Stand up (or sitting in a chair); bend down to touch your toes (or simply wave at your toes.). Breathe! Shake your head gently, yes and no. Shake your hands.
  3. Roll back up slowly. This helps to bring circulation into your brain to see things with a fresh, rejuvenated mind.

The more we surrender to “what is”, the less resistance we feel and the more Joy-Full we are as we learn to flow with the journey of Life. If you have difficulty with the process of letting go of emotional blocks and feel stuck, get assistance. You will find that you physically feel better when you are emotionally at peace with yourself and life in general.

Give yourself time and remember that life is a journey, not a destination. We can learn from wine which starts out as happy grapes on the vine and through a series of changes is transformed into wine. What can make it better after you pour it?  Taking time for it (and you) to breathe.

Of course it only works if you “do it.”  The more you practice, the easier it becomes and the greater the benefits. Remember: Breathe in Gratitude. Live in Joy. © Louise Lavergne 2001-2012; 899- Louise is an international inspirational speaker, author, creator of JoyFull Yoga and JoyFull living coaching. She owns JoyFull Yoga LLC in Jacksonville where she offers private sessions and group classes. She has been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation for over 25 years. Find more JoyFull living solutions – visit

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