A Cup of Conversation – December 2014/January 2015

“I bring you good news which shall bring great joy to all people…”

Mary wasn’t dreaming when the words hit the woman-child like a thunderbolt. She could not be pregnant because she had never been with a boy that way. The only thing more surreal than the idea of being with child was the angelic being telling her so. Crazy and impossible but she somehow knew the holy declaration was as the angel said. How would she tell her parents or even look in the eyes of her betrothed? The young man whom she was to marry would never understand. She winced at the sure to be heartbroken look on his face. The idea of bringing shame upon her family and the condemning reaction of people in her village was overwhelming. Suddenly, panic gripped her like a vice but fled just as quickly when she recalled what the angel Gabriel had spoken. Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son and he will be very great, the son of the Most High… The teenager believed the Lord she loved so much would never place such a burden on her without providing the strength to handle whatever was coming her way.

The young man thought he woke in a sweat then felt weak in the knees as nausea started to rise up from his bowels until he realized he was still dreaming. This couldn’t be happening. The messenger of God was calm but spoke with undeniable holy authority confirming the truth of what his beloved Mary had said…and what was now expected of him. He had wondered how Mary could ever think he’d believe her and now he knew. When she first told him the power of the Holy Spirit would overshadow her and she would miraculously conceive a son and this Holy child would be the Son of God, the promised Messiah, Joseph turned his back on her. He left the girl in tears…but he was in shock! He loved her deeply but…really? He wouldn’t allow himself to dwell on the pain and humiliation she and her family would experience. Joseph hurt more from the thought of her ruination than his own broken heart but there was just no escaping the reality of what she had done. People were strictly religious in their village and could be very cruel. Joseph bemoaned man’s capacity to misrepresent the heart of God. He had decided to end the engagement quietly to not shame her publicly. Her family would certainly send her away before any one discovered the truth was the last thought to run through his mind before he fell off to sleep. When the young man awoke, he knew exactly what he had to do.

The bloated and self-indulgent King Herod groaned at what his advisers were telling him. He despised them. They were phonies, he thought. Religious posers and professed scholars of the Law who would say and do anything to keep their position as would he. Life was manageable until the three strangers from the east, dignitaries of substantial means, came looking for the promised King of kings. How would they know about this anyway? None of them worshiped the God of the Jews. Herod didn’t either and he was the king of Israel…but that wasn’t the point. When Roman occupiers marched on Jerusalem, they usurped his authority and relegated him to nothing more than a figure head. Caesar Augustus declared a census for every man to return to his place of birth in order to be counted…and taxed. But what did he care? Rome needed Herod to keep the peace and he would be kept in the standards of luxury he was accustomed. A prophesy from the ancient holy scriptures about a coming King, a promised Messiah delivering all people from bondage, was deeply disturbing to Herod. This could change everything even end his royal bloodline. A King of kings to be born in a specific place at a specific time soon, very soon, frightened him to death. Herod was sure the strangers would report back if they found evidence of the birth of this so-called King. He told them that he too wanted to worship the new born King. Herod the Great was a great liar, it was his special gift. When the strangers did not return, he seethed in contempt knowing they outwitted him…maybe they really were wise men after all, he mused. Herod closed his rheumy, bloodshot eyes and when they opened he turned to his royal court lawyers with a chilling, evil stare. His edict to slaughter every male child in the area of Bethlehem two years of age and under pierced even their corrupt and calloused hearts.

The three men of wisdom, position and learning, all from distant lands, found each other weeks earlier on route to pay homage to this promised King of kings. They were quiet now as they rode east from Bethlehem. There was so much to absorb and they were still reeling from standing upon Holy ground. Witnessing the majestic heavenly host of angelic beings worshipping the humble child with inexpressibly beautiful sound was overwhelming. The magnificent Spirit of God overshadowing the vulnerable young family and filling the hearts of shepherd and king with peace and joy was beyond anything words could describe, at least for now.

The tallest of the kings, the handsome one with ebony skin and whites of the eyes pearlescent as any jewel of the sea, slowed down and turned his camel westward. The brilliant guiding star so low in the horizon was still there. He came to a stop and lowered himself off the faithful beast to kneel giving thanks to the Christ-child Prince of Peace, a Savior to all mankind, for allowing him this place in time and space. His own people may never come to fully understand the love and truth now in his heart but he’d devote the rest of his life teaching them. The brave young parents would need the costly spices and ointment he and the other monarchs managed to carry so long a distance. The splendid angel in his dream told him the child named Jesus was in danger so not to return to Herod. The young family would have to retreat into Egypt and hide until the evil potentate was no more.

As the tall man rose, he saw the other two also on their knees speaking softly in their native tongues. Each stood looking at each other with glistening eyes. Words were not necessary when they climbed atop their beasts of burden and continued east in the dark of night. It would be a long journey home and all would soon part company as they had once come together. They each knew at that moment the world would never be the same.

Merry Christmas, 2014