Business news can travel fast in a small town and at times can resemble a game of “telephone,” when at the end of the conversation the “news” is anything but the truth! Many of you have asked about Kay Faught’s business, Blue Door Garden Store, supposedly “going out of business.” The real story is that Kay is doing her best to redirect this rumor and assure everyone that she is NOT going out of business! Her well-established business is currently “for sale,” but she’s still at it selling garden goodies and has the store stocked full of products. Kay decided to sell the business when a great early retirement option presented itself to her husband, Kevin… a bittersweet decision for her. Kay says she’s very excited about the new adventures awaiting her and Kevin and looks forward to finding a buyer for the business she loves. If you happen to know someone interested in buying a fantastic local garden products shop, give Kay a call at Blue Door Garden Store at 541-899-3242.

Posted April 28, 2014